
Beeley Parish Council

Welcome to the Beeley Parish Council Website. Please use the menus at the top of the page to navigate the website.

The Parish Council’s Accessibility Statement can be viewed here: Beeley Parish Council Accessibility Statement

Latest news and Facebook posts:

3 months ago

Photos from Derbyshire County Council's post See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Photos from Derbyshire County Council's post See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Wishing you a Happy Easter.Please recycle all that colourful aluminium foil from your Easter eggs! Scrunch it up to at least the size of a tennis ball to be sure that it will get picked up in the recycling process and then put it in your recycling bin for collection. If it springs back open when you try to scrunch it, this means itโ€™s laminated and should go in your general rubbish bin. And you can also easily recycle foil trays, aerosols and aluminium drinks cans which often get overlooked. For more Easter recycling inspiration visit here www.recyclenow.com/how-to-recycle/recycle-easter See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

Easter bins | Collections on Good Friday (29 March) will take place as normal. Collections during the week commencing Monday 1 April will all be one day late with Friday collections taking place on Saturday (6 April). Details of which containers to put out can be found using our 'when is my collection?' search facility ๐Ÿ‘‡ selfserve.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/renderform.aspx?t=103&k=9644C066D2168A4C21BCDA351DA2642526359DFF See MoreSee Less
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Your Parish Council

Parish Councils are the tier of local government closest to the individual communities they serve. Some of the duties & responsibilities of the Parish Council are:

  • Provide services and create policies
  • Raise and spend money on behalf of the community Budget & manage its finances in accordance with the Accounts & Audit regulations
  • Ensure adequate insurance cover
  • Manage Parish land, buildings & property
  • Keeping parishioners informed
  • Work in partnership with other bodies

The Council is headed by the Chairman who is appointed every year at the Annual Parish meeting. Some of their duties and responsibilities are:

  • Be the public face of the council
  • Welcome visitors and represent the council at official meetings or functions
  • Summarize debate and facilitate the resolving of clear decisions
  • Have a casting vote
  • Sign the Minutes of meetings
  • Sign documents on behalf of the council, providing the council is in agreement
  • Ensure that effective and lawful decisions are taken at meetings of the council
  • Involve all Councillors in discussions whilst ensuring the Councillors keep to the point
  • Keep discussions moving so that the meeting is not too long

The Councillors contribute to the work of the whole council but no one individual (including the Chairman) can make a decision on behalf of the council. Some of the duties and responsibilities of Councillors are:

  • Attend meetings
  • Suggest ideas and engage in constructive debate
  • Work to bring about improvement through local projects and lobbying other service providers
  • Influence and shape the long term development policy for the parish, and as part of the planning process, comment on planning applications in the parish.
  • Act fairly within the law
  • Vote to enable the council to make decisions
  • Be proactive

The primary point of contact for Parish Council business is the Parish Clerk.

The Clerk:

  • Provides administrative support to the Council
  • Are responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Council are carried out in a timely and legal manner
  • Ensure the Councils finance are administered correctly and prepare monthly and yearly statements of accounts