Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets six times a year, every other month from January.

Meetings start at 7.30pm at the Cavendish Village Hall, Beeley and members of the public are welcome to attend.

The village hall address is Cavendish Village Hall, Beeley, Matlock DE4 2NU.

The location is indicated on the google map below:

Meeting agendas and minutes

Meeting agendas are issued a week before each meeting. Meeting minutes are available after the following month’s meeting.

You can download meeting agendas and minutes by following the links below or request them from the Parish Clerk:

Parish Council meeting agendas and minutes from 2018

Parish council meeting agendas and minutes for 2016 and 2017

Agendas and minutes for meetings prior to 2016 are available on request from the  Parish Council Clerk.